Type in "american pit bull terrier" on Google images and the first pictures you see are of small, muscular dogs with cropped ears and body parts as thick as tree trunks. Pictures like these:

These aren't pit bulls. They are american bullies: mixes of dog breeds like bulldogs, cane corso, mastiffs, and other "dangerous" breeds. Yet people call them pit bulls. So when you see pictures of much, much thinner dogs with floppy ears and looking lovable, you think "those scrawny dogs can't be pit bulls!" Yet they are the true American Pit Bull Terrier:

See for yourself. Type "pit bull" into any image search engine. Chances are you'll see many pictures of thick, muscular dogs (American Bullies, which are not a breed) snapping, baring bloodied fangs and fighting with another thick tree trunk of a dog. See how many images you'll find of the true APBT.
Here's the link to a YouTube video where I learned all of this:
It's a few minutes long but tells you need to know about pit bull impostors. Please watch it!
Also, here's how to tell if that "pit bull" is really an APBT or just an American Bullie. Real pit bull terriers are small to medium sized that are 15 to 21 inches at the shoulder. They weigh around 22-65 pounds, anything more is either obese or an American Bullie or another breed. Also, pit bulls are terriers. They will show true Terrier spunk. American bullies or other breeds commonly mistaken for pits will not. And, the APBT is "slender and athletic" not thick and definitely not so muscular.
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