Friday, November 13, 2009

Stop Animal Cruelty

I wanted to share a blog I found about animal cruelty: Voices Bloggers Against Animal Cruelty
I followed it and hopefully will soon be one of the authors.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Beware of the Swine Flu- Your Dog May Be At Risk

Recently, a cat-a 13 year old, 16 pound tabby that was never let outside- in Iowa got the swine flu. His owners both got the flu in the last week of October. He has since recovered and is doing well. Cats have joined the list of animals that can contract the swine flu- it includes ferrets, domestic turkey, and pigs. Experts say that although no dog has gotten the H1N1 flu yet, the canine race is at risk. They ask that you take all the regular precautions with your pets as you do with fellow humans- sneezing into your crooked elbow, washing hands, avoiding touching your mouth, nose and eyes, and not having a lot of contact with anyone if you are feeling sick. Letting your pet lick your face is never recomended, but in the flu season especially you should watch out and avoid this.
Cats, dogs and people all get similar respiratory diseases, says an expert in the article below. The same article reads, "that it is not likely that H1N1 will become very common in pets like cats and dogs."

Read more here.
Also, be careful of canine influenza.  It may have jumped from horses to dogs, but humans and other animals won't get it. A vaccine was developed last May. More in the article above.