Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Top 10 Pet-Friendly Colleges in the U.S.A
My Internet kept turning off when I tried to copy and paste the info from this site , so I'm just putting the names of the colleges. This may come in handy in 6 years...
1. Eckerd College, St. Petersburd, Florida
Cats and dogs under 40 pounds, snakes and fish are allowed in four pet-friendly dorm clusters. Pets cannot be left on campus during breaks and must comply with requirements.
2. Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri
Cats, dogs, hamsters, and guinea pigs are allowed in this women's college. One dorm is the "pet dorm" so space is limited, and students must apply to live there and follow policy guidelines.
3. Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania
Cats, dogs less than 40 pounds(with some breed restrictions), small birds, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and fish are allowed to live in the "Pet House" dorm. Other animals may be permitted, but on a case-by-case basis. Pets must be spayed/neutered, have lived with you for at least one year, and registered.
Read more here . More colleges include 2 in Illinois, 1 in California, another in Pennsylvania, one in Idaho, 1 in New York and 1 in Massachusetts.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
How To Say "Dog" in Zulu and 20 other Languages
I had no idea half of these languages existed... Read more at
Assamese = kukur
Bemba = imbwa
Cornish = ky΄
Dholuo = guok
Esperanto = hundo
Faeroese = hundur
Gagauz = köpek
Interlingua = can
Komi-Permyak = pon
Mohawk = erhar
Nivkh = qan
Papago-Pima = gogs
Polish= pies
Pulaar = rawaandu
Pidgin = dok
Sardinian = cane
Tocharian = ku
Uzbek = it
Vietnamese = chó
Yoruba = aja
Zulu = inja
Assamese = kukur
Bemba = imbwa
Cornish = ky΄
Dholuo = guok
Esperanto = hundo
Faeroese = hundur
Gagauz = köpek
Interlingua = can
Komi-Permyak = pon
Mohawk = erhar
Nivkh = qan
Papago-Pima = gogs
Polish= pies
Pulaar = rawaandu
Pidgin = dok
Sardinian = cane
Tocharian = ku
Uzbek = it
Vietnamese = chó
Yoruba = aja
Zulu = inja
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What's the difference?
Type in "american pit bull terrier" on Google images and the first pictures you see are of small, muscular dogs with cropped ears and body parts as thick as tree trunks. Pictures like these:
These aren't pit bulls. They are american bullies: mixes of dog breeds like bulldogs, cane corso, mastiffs, and other "dangerous" breeds. Yet people call them pit bulls. So when you see pictures of much, much thinner dogs with floppy ears and looking lovable, you think "those scrawny dogs can't be pit bulls!" Yet they are the true American Pit Bull Terrier:

See for yourself. Type "pit bull" into any image search engine. Chances are you'll see many pictures of thick, muscular dogs (American Bullies, which are not a breed) snapping, baring bloodied fangs and fighting with another thick tree trunk of a dog. See how many images you'll find of the true APBT.

Here's the link to a YouTube video where I learned all of this:
It's a few minutes long but tells you need to know about pit bull impostors. Please watch it!
Also, here's how to tell if that "pit bull" is really an APBT or just an American Bullie. Real pit bull terriers are small to medium sized that are 15 to 21 inches at the shoulder. They weigh around 22-65 pounds, anything more is either obese or an American Bullie or another breed. Also, pit bulls are terriers. They will show true Terrier spunk. American bullies or other breeds commonly mistaken for pits will not. And, the APBT is "slender and athletic" not thick and definitely not so muscular.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Poll Answer Is!!!

Black pets are the least likely to be adopted in a shelter. Why?
Black cats, I think, is self-explainable. Some people think black cats are unlucky, because in the middle ages witches would turn into black cats(that last bit not too many people know. They just think black cats are bad luck but have no logical reason why)
Big, black, mixed-breed dogs have 2 things that mess up their chances: size(think about it. Not many people can afford to keep a big huge dog, while that little doggie is so much more manageable.) Also, they may think that large dogs are more aggressive. NOT true! Small dogs are actually much more aggresive, proved in a recent study about dog's temperaments. But since their little snouts can't do us much damage, we are sure that pit bulls are the most dangerous. (By the way, pit bulls scored better on this test than beagles, and golden retrievers!More on this in a later post!) And: COLOR. One reason may be that black animals are harder to spot in the shadows of a cage. They are also harder to photograph for online listings. An older dog with a smidgeon of white in his muzzle looks like an arthritic 12 year old dog, even if he's only seven. And those huge dogs just aren't as fashionable as little yorkies and chihuahuas.
Also, their reputation: in books such as "Harry Potter" a big black dog is a bad omen.
It is hard to read their expressions because they have no defined eyebrows.
People also think others with big black dogs are "tough guys."
And dogs who are big and black tend to have larger litters of 5 or more.
So even if a black dog has a sweet temperament, is very well-trained, and walks well on a leash she may not find a home for quite a few months, if at all.
one person voted: Brindle
4 people voted: black
A Poem I Wrote for my Poetry Blog...
Dear President Obama:
I am a shelter dog.
Once, I was Fred
but now, I am
You can change that.
You have the power
to change my life
and the lives of
of other
You had the chance
But you blew it
Is a pedigree
more important to you
than my innocent life?
What did I do wrong?
Did my scraggly looks
and mixed up ancestry
throw you off?
Or perhaps
my age?
I may be old
but I still
have a heart to
give to you.
I can still love you.
Or is it
my missing leg,
my missing eye?
I may not have
all my limbs
but I still have my
whole heart.
If you just
took one of us home,
it would mean
the rest of us
can have a home too.
Don't you think I
About a warm bed before a
blazing fireplace
curled up at the foot of
my master?
Eating enough to
fill my empty stomach
finally having
something to call
my own?
But only you have this power
to keep us all from Death,
a massive dog
with an even bigger pedigree
just behind me.
I don't have much time left.
Just a day or two.
After all,
who would want an ugly mutt
Like me?
Once, I was Fred
but now, I am
You can change that.
You have the power
to change my life
and the lives of
of other
You had the chance
But you blew it
Is a pedigree
more important to you
than my innocent life?
What did I do wrong?
Did my scraggly looks
and mixed up ancestry
throw you off?
Or perhaps
my age?
I may be old
but I still
have a heart to
give to you.
I can still love you.
Or is it
my missing leg,
my missing eye?
I may not have
all my limbs
but I still have my
whole heart.
If you just
took one of us home,
it would mean
the rest of us
can have a home too.
Don't you think I
About a warm bed before a
blazing fireplace
curled up at the foot of
my master?
Eating enough to
fill my empty stomach
finally having
something to call
my own?
But only you have this power
to keep us all from Death,
a massive dog
with an even bigger pedigree
just behind me.
I don't have much time left.
Just a day or two.
After all,
who would want an ugly mutt
Like me?
This is a poem I wrote yesterday, regarding my last post. I am sending it to our president along with a letter I am writing. If you would like to send a letter as well, visit for the address and a sample letter, as well as to sign up for e-mail updates.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Remember President Obama's Big Promise to Adopt a Shelter Dog?

Well that promise went down the drain. Bo is a purebred 2000 dollar dog from a private kennel- NOT a shelter. That just goes to show what will happen to all his campaign promises....
Write to Obama about this issue via snail mail, which is supposedly the best way to get his attention(he can;t "accidentaly" delete any of those messages!). Find out more at
I'll definitely be writing...
because every 5 seconds a homeless animal is killed... and that's just in America.
Here's who thinks Obama should adopt:
Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer.
Simon Cowell, who said in an interview he hopes the Obamas will adopt, and will gladly pay for the dogs food!
If the Obamas had simply adopted a dog as they had intented to do, many shelters would have become emptied! Millions of animal would have been saved! We are talking about the lives of God's creatures here! Who deserve to live as much as any of us and maybe even more! Plus, the Vice-President bought a dog from a puppy-mill! That's just killing more wonderful dogs! So, please write. It may cost you a few cents for the postage, but it may save millions of lives.
Look at the eyes of your four-legged best friend. Do it for him.
Also, read the poem I wrote and am sending to our president at
The seconds are ticking...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Your Dog Should Aspire to Be Like These Dogs
I found these videos on Youtube:
Watch them. Can your dog compare?
Watch them. Can your dog compare?
My Blogs
To my followers:
I have 3 blogs as of yesterday:
Get a Life Get a Dog
Travels with Monkey (
Musings of a Twelve Year Old Poet (
I beg you all sincerely to follow or at least look at those blogs.
I have 3 blogs as of yesterday:
Get a Life Get a Dog
Travels with Monkey (
Musings of a Twelve Year Old Poet (
I beg you all sincerely to follow or at least look at those blogs.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Is your fur coat really worth THIS?
Watch the video at right about how your fur coat was made- how they skinned the animals alive. Watch it if your heart can bear it. It is horrible- spread the news, post about this on your own blog. Tell as many people as possible to stop buying ANY fur products, including faux fur(which supports the fur trade anyhow as they are mostly real fur anyway). Raise awareness by posting the video on your blog. Go to the link below, copy and paste the html url into an html/java gagdet. Please, please, please. They skin dogs and cats like this too
Read more at:
Read more at:
A little hint
I'll give you all a little help with my poll: think PET not only dogs. Cats too. And what color cat do people think is unlucky? You've found your answer.
Thank you so much!!
UPDATE: it's four now!! thanks so much sarah, untung, yasmin and mimi!!and please check out my other blog, Musings of A Twelve Year Old Poet. the URL is below.
Thank you very much to my followers because I actually have 3 now!! and 2 weeks ago I only had 1!!!! Please check out my other blog,
Thank you very much to my followers because I actually have 3 now!! and 2 weeks ago I only had 1!!!! Please check out my other blog,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Fire Ants
If you visit North Carolina(or live there) or other South states, be sure to protect your dog from fire ants- if you step on their nest they swarm up on you and bite you. There have been recent cases of fire ants killing human adults, so you watch out too.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Does Your Dog Like to Drive?

If so, s/he can apply for a Chloe Card, or a pet drivers licence. Of course your dog won't really be able to drive but it is a cute form of identification. It looks similar to a human licence. To find out more about this free card, visit
Also, speaking of cards: you can personalize your Visa card with a picture of your pet. Then, a portion of your spendings goes to a good cause: the Humane Society.
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