Did you know:
-The maximum life span of a DOG is estimated to be about 27 years& yet the average dog lives only approximately 13 years?
-The maximum life span of a CAT is estimated to be about 25-30years & yet the average cat lives only approximately 14 years?
The pet food industry wants you to feed your pet commercially formulated foods, but these have been proven to contribute to:
More info like this in the coming days! To learn more go to http://www.i-love-dogs.com/ and subscribe to THE DOG FOOD ALERT!
Extra info can be found at www.healthycatanddog.com
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
"The Truth Behind the Cute"
Paris Hilton's Chihuahua and Britney Spears' Yorkie both came from Pets of Bel Air, LA's pet boutique to the celebs. At this store, puppies are groomed to perfection. Yet the only perfect thing about them is their looks. The HSUS's undercover investigation revealed that these are puppy mill dogs from breeding factories in the Midwest(Kansas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, among other states). These pups are more vulnerable to illnesses because of inbreeding and the conditions they were raised in. Guess even hot celebs get cheated, huh?
Read more at http://www.lapetlawyer.com/pet_law/
Read more at http://www.lapetlawyer.com/pet_law/

An undercover PETA investigation found that Iams dogs were kept in cages 24/7. Click on the link below to meet some of these mistreated creatures.
"The government complaint alleges that the following violations, among others, were documented by government inspectors at the contract laboratory from 2002 to 2005:
-Failure to provide pain relief to sheep used in experiments that caused pain or distress.
-Failure to ensure that personnel were trained to perform experiments on animals.
-Failure to provide veterinary care and to observe animals daily.
-Failure to properly ventilate housing facilities for dogs and cats.
-Failure to house cats with a sufficient number of litterboxes and resting surfaces.
-Failure to keep animal-housing facilities clean and in good repair, resulting in injuries.
-Failure to maintain comfortable temperatures in animal-housing facilities.
-Failure to provide animals with sufficient space."
Read more at http://thehouseofglam.com/lifestyle/boycott-iams-pet-food-for-its-cruel-treatment-of-animals/
Additional information about animals used in research can be found at http://www.hsus.org/animals_in_research/species_used_in_research/dog.html
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Something Non-Dog...
Here's an interesting artical about how, when searching for other Earths, to look for a pale red dot rather than a blue one: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2009/06/26/earth-alien-molecules.html
Friday, June 26, 2009
I went to the Chicago Animal Care and Control today and I must say I'm not impressed. First off, the dog's toe-nails were way too long. Second, one dog was in a cage with his vomit on the floor, not cleaned up. Third, one dog's cage was filled with standing water and the poor pup had to lie down in it. Fourth, one little boxer was so thin you could see his ribs and hip bones sticking out. But perhaps that last one came in undernourished and they are getting him healthy.
Nonetheless, I fell in love with one doggie. If only my mother liked her as much..... The point is, I didn't get a dog yet. Unfortunately.
Nonetheless, I fell in love with one doggie. If only my mother liked her as much..... The point is, I didn't get a dog yet. Unfortunately.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Pit Bulls: Killers or Companions?

I found another article explaining why pits AREN'T killers, murderers, and the cause of every dog bite in the known world. Read it here: http://www.gomestic.com/Pets/Pitbulls:-Killers-or-Companions.13362 and be sure to check out the comments as well. There is one particularly interesting one that the press blames "pit bulls" for all dog bites but it turns out later that it was in fact a completely different breed. As the comment states, it is often a golden retriever. Deciding whether or not that is true is up to you. I'm just here to enforce that "Bully" breeds are the best!!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Two Books You MUST Read If You Are Getting Ready to Adopt a Dog
- Adoptable Dog: Teaching Your Adopted Pet to Obey,Trust, and Love You by John Ross and Barbara McKinney
- The Complete Guide to Mutts: Selection, Care, and Celebration from Puppyhood to Senior by Margaret H. Bonham
From training techniques to special supplies to just about everything else, these books are chock-full with wise words for your adopted canine.
How to Change your Dog's Name
Are you having second thoughts about your dog's name? Maybe Mosley fits your pup better than Fred. Or perhaps your newly adopted older dog has a moniker you don't particularly enjoy. Here's how to change his name without confusion.
- For a few days, continue to call him Fred(or the name you don't want).
- Then, link the two names together, and praise your dog for reacting. (Fred-Mosley)
- Once he reacts well to that, simply drop the former name and use only Mosley.
Chicagoans Looking to Adopt A Dog, Cat or Rabbit...
GO TO THE CHICAGO ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL!!! One of the city's few "kill" shelters(if not the only). The adoption fee is $65 for both dogs and cats, and for dogs it includes spay or neuter, City license, Rabies inoculation, booster for Distemper, Hepatitis, Lepto-spirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvo-virus, Heartworm test (DHLPP), AVID Chip. For cats, the fee includes spay or neuter, Rabies inoculaiton, booster for Feline Distemper, Pneumonitis, Rhinotracheitis, Calici (FVRCP), Feline Leukemia test, AVID Chip. Rabbits are only available seasonally so call or visit to check if a rabbit is waiting for a forever home.
So please save an animals life and adopt from here. It costs less than at any other shelter I've found in Chicago so far. Come to the shelter located at
So please save an animals life and adopt from here. It costs less than at any other shelter I've found in Chicago so far. Come to the shelter located at
Chicago Animal Care and Control
2741 South Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 747-1406
Adoption hours are from 12 noon to 6 pm but viewing ends at 7 pm. Open 7 days a week.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Weird Facts about Dogs You Never Knew...
- The world's smartest dogs are thought to be (1) the border collie, (2) the poodle, and (3) the golden retriever... while the dumbest dog is believed to be the Afghan hound
- Dogs judge objects first by their movement, then by their brightness, and lastly by their shape
- Dogs have two times as many muscles to move their ears as people
- The longer a dog's nose, the more effective it's internal cooling system
- An elderly woman was saved by her 12 pound Yorkshire Terrier who fought off an 80 pound Akita and survived with only 9 stitches
- It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our vision at dusk.
- Dogs DO have better low-light vision than humans because of a special light-reflecting layer behind their retinas
- A German Shepherd guide dog led her blind companion the entire 2100 mile Applachian Trail
- If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, and their puppies could product over 66,000 dogs in 6 years!
- Dogs' only sweat glands are between their paw pads
- Like human babies, Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot in their skull which closes with age
- Teddy Roosevelt's dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador's pants off at the White House
- The average city dog lives 3 years longer than a country dog
- In 2002 alone, more people in the U.S. were killed by dogs than by sharks in the past 100 years(that DOES NOT mean dogs are vicious, but rather humans have more contacts with canines than sharks. And I presume you have never seen a shark walking down the street?)
- Basset Hounds cannot swim
- The Bible mentions dogs 14 times.
- Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic - a Newfoundland, a Pomeranian, and a Pekingese
- There are only 350 Cisky Terriers in the world - perhaps the rarest breed
- Dogs have no sense of "time"
- Only dogs and humans have prostates but dogs do not have an appendix
- A dog's smell is more than 100,000 times stronger than that of a human's
- Davy Crockett had a dog named Sport
Do these interest you? Read more at http://www.thefoundbin.com/lost-and-found-articles/102-weird-facts-you-never-knew-about-dogs !
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Are you adopting a dog? Here are some essential supplies...
- Dog Crate- A dog crate is the most important piece of training equipment you'll want to bring home along with a new puppy or adult dog. A crate gives your dog a den-like area where they will feel safe and secure. Most importantly, they are great training tools and help speed housetraining. Your home and your puppy will stay safe by crate training! Make sure if you are adopting a puppy you purchase a crate with a divider so your puppy.
- Leash & Collar- You will need a collar and leash to make sure your new pet gets home safe and sound. For growing puppies, and adjustable collar will work best. Remember, even a trained dog can become distracted and end up in a dangerous situation. Always leash your dog when outside a fenced area.
- Chew Bones- Dogs need to chew. Chewing provides dental benefits and relieves boredom. Chew bones are a much better alternative to satisfying your dog's urge to chew than the leg of your elegant dining room table or your new pair of hiking boots. We suggest Booda Bones, Nylabones, Kongs, and natural hollowed marrow bones. Make sure you bring home a supply with a newly adopted pet... your couch will thank you!
- Dog Food- You will need a high quality dog food to feed your newly adopted friend. A sudden change of a dog's primary diet can be hard on both their stomachs and their eating habits.
- Food & Water Bowls- Your dog will need a separate dish for water, and one for food. We suggest no-tip stainless steel dishes. They work well and will not slide all over your floor, making messes less likely. If you will be giving your dog water in his crate, we also recommend a ceramic crock for this purpose. They are heavyweight and dogs do not like to chew them. Dishwasher safe!
- Kong- Providing food and/or treat stuffed Kongs for your dog can keep them contentedly busy (working) and out of trouble for long periods of time. This is the only safe toy to leave in the crate with your newly adopted puppy or dog! Buy one (or two, or three). Your furniture will thank you!
- Treats- Remember to include a bag or box of cookies on your list of essentials, which will double as training treats for a job well done. Use them to enforce good outdoor potty habits, teach obedience, or just to show your dog affection and build his trust in you.
- Bed- If you want your newly adopted dog to stay off your furniture you will need a soft, comfortable place for him to call his own. You can train him to go to his bed while you are "on" your furniture. This product should not be left in the crate with a chewing puppy or new dog. Once you are certain they are past the chewing phase they may have a bed in their crate, until then this would be an item for them to enjoy while they are out.
- Basic Grooming Supplies- It is important that you get off on the right foot with a newly adopted puppy or dog. Get him used to nail trimming and brushing immediately.
Read more at: http://www.wrightwayrescue.net/Essentials.html
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Don't Litter: Spay and Neuter

Monday, June 15, 2009
Poor dogs
Read this chilling excerpt from an article on CNN:
"The shotgun blast rips into the stray dog's midsection, sending it tumbling over and over. Agonizing yelps echo through the streets as it tries to reach and bite at the gaping wound. Minutes later, the dog is dead. A few miles away, a puppy eats a piece of poisoned meat. Its body starts to twitch and spasm as the toxins kick in. It dies within 15 minutes."
Vets feed stray dogs pieces of poisoned meat. Police shoot and kill them. This is done to prevent spread of disease and attacks on residents. But SPCA International spokesperson says there is another way. Mobile spay/neuter and vaccination programs are available. The Iraqi government has been slow to respond. (But this is from February)
Read more at http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/02/12/baghdad.dogs/index.html
Im not trying to say anything bad about anyone, but that excerpt wrenched my gut.
"The shotgun blast rips into the stray dog's midsection, sending it tumbling over and over. Agonizing yelps echo through the streets as it tries to reach and bite at the gaping wound. Minutes later, the dog is dead. A few miles away, a puppy eats a piece of poisoned meat. Its body starts to twitch and spasm as the toxins kick in. It dies within 15 minutes."
Vets feed stray dogs pieces of poisoned meat. Police shoot and kill them. This is done to prevent spread of disease and attacks on residents. But SPCA International spokesperson says there is another way. Mobile spay/neuter and vaccination programs are available. The Iraqi government has been slow to respond. (But this is from February)
Read more at http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/02/12/baghdad.dogs/index.html
Im not trying to say anything bad about anyone, but that excerpt wrenched my gut.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
For all you canine-loving fashonistas...

Featured are some items available for purchase at http://dreamdogsart.typepad.com
There are many more T-Shirts, mugs, calendars, clocks, boxes and other who-knows-what just waiting for you.
Friday, June 12, 2009
If you're planning to get a dog from a pet store, think again!
This is why we need to support local humane societies and animal shelters INSTEAD of puppy mills.
- It’s estimated that more than 90 percent of dogs sold in pet stores come from puppy mills – large, commercial breeding operations where they’re treated like inventory and stored in crowded, filthy cages with other dogs.
- There are no limits on breeding. Female dogs used for breeding are bred over and over again until their bodies give out. Then they’re destroyed, sold for research or dumped at the local pound. Dogs may well be inbred, which means their puppies might have deformities.
- Dogs raised in substandard conditions often suffer from all kinds of physical ailments, which can result in large veterinary bills – and a lot of heartbreak – for their unsuspecting new owners.
- There is no reason to support the exploitive breeding of companion animals when millions of animals languish and die in public shelters every year.
- Also, have you ever seen pet store dogs going for a walk? They are taught to urinate and defecate INSIDE their crates(which actually must be called cages in this case) which goes against house training, crate training, causes you to have bigger messes to clean and even have to pay big bucks for a private dog trainer to fix this problem. What's the point?
Go to this site to print out something to show your local pet shop that being puppy friendly is better. http://www.stoppuppymills.org/puppy_friendly_pet_stores.html
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Support Bully Breeds

Pit bulls are no more vicious than golden retrievers, beagles or other popular dogs! In a recent study of 122 dog breeds by the American Temperament Testing Society (ATTS), pit bulls achieved a passing rate of 83.9%. That's as good or better than beagles ... 78.2%, and golden retrievers ... 83.2%. How did your favorite breed do? See for yourself: ATTS.org
In the ATTS test, a dog is put through a series of confrontational situations. Any sign of panic or aggression leads to failure of the test. The achievement of pit bulls in this study disproves once and for all the old tired belief that pit bulls are inherently aggressive to people. Like any breed of dog, a healthy pit bull that is properly raised will remain loving and friendly. In the past 20 years, we've seen some sad examples of poorly bred and badly treated dogs that are the byproducts of irresponsible 'backyard breeders' and cruel and abusive homes. These improperly raised, unsocialized creatures can show temperaments far removed from the traditional authentic pit bull. Don't confuse these unfortunate misbreds with the huge majority of well-loved dogs in this country that remain solid in temperament, affectionate, trustworthy and friendly to their dying day.
Don't Pit Bulls have LOCKING JAWS?No. A pit bull's ability to "lock on" with it's jaws is one WHOPPER of a myth that refuses to let go! The jaws of a pit bull are built just as any other dog's jaw. There's no 'enzyme', no special mechanism that would make a pitbull's jaws 'lock'. They're DOGS, not alligators! What a pit bull does have is strength, tenacity, and determination. When he grasps something he wants to hang onto, his willpower is the glue.
Don't Pit Bulls TURN ON THEIR OWNERS?No. Healthy pit bulls with stable temperaments are succeeding in hundreds of thousands of homes across the continent. Dogs that bite people are typically troubled individuals, and they represent every breed. In general, biting dogs have been damaged by improper handling, abuse and/or damaged genetics. The good news is, these types of personalities offer warning signs well in advance of biting, although unfortunately, many ignore or misinterpret their dog's troubling behaviors. To reduce dog bites, communities should invest in bite prevention education efforts such as these programs. For a well researched source of information on canine aggression, visit The National Canine Research Council
Don't Pit Bulls TURN ON THEIR OWNERS?No. Healthy pit bulls with stable temperaments are succeeding in hundreds of thousands of homes across the continent. Dogs that bite people are typically troubled individuals, and they represent every breed. In general, biting dogs have been damaged by improper handling, abuse and/or damaged genetics. The good news is, these types of personalities offer warning signs well in advance of biting, although unfortunately, many ignore or misinterpret their dog's troubling behaviors. To reduce dog bites, communities should invest in bite prevention education efforts such as these programs. For a well researched source of information on canine aggression, visit The National Canine Research Council
Don't pit bulls have to be TRAINED TO FIGHT?NO! Pit bulls are terriers, and terriers tend to be scrappy with other animals if unsocialized, poorly managed or otherwise left to their own devices. Just as farmers have used Jack Russell Terriers to do battle with badgers, foxes and other animals, unscrupulous people have exploited the terrier drive in pit bulls against other dogs for 'entertainment' purposes. Like many breeds, pit bulls can run the gamut from very dog aggressive to exceptionally dog friendly, but each dog shares some potential to fight other dogs if mismanaged. Avoiding dog fights involves understanding terrier traits and basic canine behavior in general. A properly socialized, well managed pit bull should never have to get into a dogfight, because he's accustomed to the presence of other dogs and - IMPORTANT! - he has a smart and responsible owner willing to keep him safe from situations that could invite the unhappy possibility of a scuffle.
Will a pit bull that shows aggression towards other animals go after PEOPLE NEXT?No. Aggression towards other animals and human aggression are two totally different things. We've heard this frightened quote, "He went after a dog (or cat) and our kids might be next!". This is one big MONSTER of a myth that has generated a host of damaging anti-pit bull hysteria. It is perfectly 'normal' for a pit bull to be wonderfully affectionate and friendly with people, while at the same time not 100% trustworthy around other dogs. Like any breed of dog that we see in family homes today, a properly raised, well socialized, responsibly owned pit bull should never be human aggressive. Pit bulls that do show truly aggressive behavior towards humans are not typical of the breed and in some cases, should be humanely euthanized
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