- The UN says that 2.8 billion people will face water stress or scarcity by 2025 if consumption continues at current rates. That's in SIXTEEN years!!
- There is an 80% DECREASE in U.S. global warming pollution required by 2050 to stop the worst consequences of global warming.
- America is the NUMBER ONE global warming polluter in the world.
- At least half of the following 5 years are expected to be as hot or hotter than 1998, the hottest year on record(that's in the WORLD).
- America's carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels since 1990 have increased 20%.
If you've been inspired, here are some simple tips:
- Visit http://www.fightglobalwarming.com/carboncalculator.cfm to calculate your personal impact.
- Set the thermostat to no lower than 78 degrees F in the summer and no higher than 68 degrees F in the winter, and turn it one degree up in summer and one degree down in winter(you won't notice a temperature change, but you will notice a lower utility bill.)
- Buy metal or ceramic bowls for your pet.
- Use fans instead of air conditioning.
- Send ecards. Try www.care2.com where every ecard you send saves a square foot of rainforest.
- Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescents.
- Plant a deciduous tree on the south side of your home, which will shade it in summer and let the sun warm it in winter.
- Close curtains to keep out summer daytime heat or keep in nighttime winter warmth.
- If there is no neighborhood curbside recycling program in your area, visit your city's website to see if your neighborhood to the list.
- Buy second-hand.
- Reuse, reduce, and recycle.
Happy greening!