According to a recent study(or perhaps not-so-recent), Fido may have health benefits. For you. Even the act of strokng a pet lowers your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. Canines give unconitional love and devotion-that makes us happier and fights deppression. Walking dogs has amazing effects on health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. In some instances, dogs have even saved humans from amputating an arm or leg by licking the affected limb. As the dog licks the limb, feeling begins to return to it. Licking stimulates the nerves and helps carry oxygen to the affected area to help it heal. And sniffer dogs can smell diseases long before humans know they are sick. The lesions are usually found in an early stage of cancer. If diagnosed too late, many of the cases could prove fatal. Some people thnk agility is only good for Fido, but you can benefit too. You run alongside your dogs as he leaps over jumps, climbs a teeter-totter, and weaves in between poles, among other obstacles.
So, Mom, any more excuses why a dog isn't perfect for me?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Is Fido Colorblind?
Most people think canines see in black and white. However, this may not be the case. Recent research shows that dogs have dichromatic vision, which means they can see only a portion of the range of colors in the visual spectrum of light wavelengths. They can't see in shades from red to green but can see in shades of blue and yellow. Humans have trichromatic vision, which enables us to see the entire color spectrum.
But being colorblind may have its advantages. Dogs see better in dimmer light than we can. The center of the dog's retina is composed of rod cells. This helps percieve shades of gray. Human retina are mainly made of cone cells. This enables us to percieve color but not see in the dark. Rod cells need less light to funstion than cone cells.
Dog eyes can detect motion better than ours can, too. But this has its disadvantages. Pups can't focus as well on the shape of objects. Compared to humans, dogs have a visual acuity of 20/75. With normal vision Bowser can see 20 feet, which is like our 75.
Even if your beloved pup can't see if your blouse is brown or black, you know he'll be able to stare into your heart with 100% accuracy.
But being colorblind may have its advantages. Dogs see better in dimmer light than we can. The center of the dog's retina is composed of rod cells. This helps percieve shades of gray. Human retina are mainly made of cone cells. This enables us to percieve color but not see in the dark. Rod cells need less light to funstion than cone cells.
Dog eyes can detect motion better than ours can, too. But this has its disadvantages. Pups can't focus as well on the shape of objects. Compared to humans, dogs have a visual acuity of 20/75. With normal vision Bowser can see 20 feet, which is like our 75.
Even if your beloved pup can't see if your blouse is brown or black, you know he'll be able to stare into your heart with 100% accuracy.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fur Cryin' Out Loud!!
Okay, I got this title from , or , I'm not sure. But either way, the content is saddening. In the Big Apple, fur coats aren't properly labeled. If an item is real fur, it should be labeled so. They were told by a salesperson that a coat was fake fur- when in fact it was racoon dog fur. And labeling is just the baby worm in the apple.
Take a look at your mom's fur coat. Or the one you gave your spouse, or whatever. (But if you're reading my blog, anything real fur is not in your possesion. RIGHT?) Anyway, that lovely(ugly), soft(can't argue this one), warm(I dunno, I'm not stupid enough to wear animals on myself. EWWWW!!) coat, hat, etc, is actually very gross. In China, most animals are skinned alive. Racoon dogs, mink, racoon, skunk, I dunno, whatever else stupid people kill just so they can look "nice"(you're kidding, right? No one looks nice in fur!)-they aren't even killed first! I mean, it's one hing for retards to skin the animal alive, and another to (more) humanely euthanize the creature first, and then let 'er rip! The fur, at least. Not anything that comes out your rear end. If you've noticed that there are no pictures on this post(or any other post[yet]), is 1) these pics are too depressing!!!, and 2) I'm not 100% sure how yet.
But fight for the right of our fellow animals! If everyone was like the weirdos I won't name, the world would have fallen apart years ago. Sign petitions on (or .com, I can't remember). More on animals cruelty-and a few pictures- on a later post.
Take a look at your mom's fur coat. Or the one you gave your spouse, or whatever. (But if you're reading my blog, anything real fur is not in your possesion. RIGHT?) Anyway, that lovely(ugly), soft(can't argue this one), warm(I dunno, I'm not stupid enough to wear animals on myself. EWWWW!!) coat, hat, etc, is actually very gross. In China, most animals are skinned alive. Racoon dogs, mink, racoon, skunk, I dunno, whatever else stupid people kill just so they can look "nice"(you're kidding, right? No one looks nice in fur!)-they aren't even killed first! I mean, it's one hing for retards to skin the animal alive, and another to (more) humanely euthanize the creature first, and then let 'er rip! The fur, at least. Not anything that comes out your rear end. If you've noticed that there are no pictures on this post(or any other post[yet]), is 1) these pics are too depressing!!!, and 2) I'm not 100% sure how yet.
But fight for the right of our fellow animals! If everyone was like the weirdos I won't name, the world would have fallen apart years ago. Sign petitions on (or .com, I can't remember). More on animals cruelty-and a few pictures- on a later post.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Sad Truth Behind That Pet Store Puppy
That cute pup you fawned over in Petland the other day may have a startling past. More often than not, pet store dogs were raised in puppy mills- cruel, cramped areas where animals are bred purely for money. The conditions are unclean, dirty, and extremely unsanitary. And think about it: how many times have you seen a pet store dog walked outside? They are taught to urinate in their cages- something that contradicts house training completely. They drink out of WATER BOTTLES!!!!! LIKE HAMSTERS!!!!!!! For more information about puppy mills, visit . Spread the word! Share your story! Warn other potential dog owners of puppy mill animals, and contact your senator, governor, or even Pres. Obama himself about this pressing issue- and help make puppy mills illegal. We must act in order to save man's best friend from unnesesary cruelty. Adopt pets from shelters, rescue groups! If you want a specific breed, visit a breed rescue organization! And most importantly, spread the word and don't let our faithful companions shiver in the wrath of cruelty.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
10 Books You MUST Read!!

These books have blown me away. Really. My favorites are the Kiki Strikes. (Did I mention the author has an amazing webiste at ? And a direct link to her blog is I really think they are fabulous!) Anyway, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th books are romance/drama novels, very.......(hmmm, how shall I phrase it......) well, action-packed makes it sound too action-packed. I personally haven't finished Envy yet-it's hard to tear myself away. The website for The Luxe is Be sure to check these out!
- Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City by Kirsten Miller
- Kiki Strike: The Empress's Tomb by Kirsten Miller
- The Luxe by Anna Godberson
- Rumors: A Luxe Novel by Anna Godberson
- Envy by Anna Godberson
- The Name of This Book is Secret By Pseudonymous Bosch
- If You're Reading This, It's Too Late! by Pseudonymous Bosch
- What's Your Dogs IQ? by Sue Owens Wright
- The Calder Game by Blue Balliett
- The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
If you've noticed the apparent lack of Twilights, New Moons, Eclipses, and Breaking Dawns, understand these two facts: One, most everybody who's anybody has sunken deep into the romance of Bella and Edward, and Two, the books weren't even that good. (But they were, in turn, better than the disastrous movie that came out last November. I had the displeasure of seeing it.)
There are sequels to number 10, I just can't remember their names. And another Kiki Strike will soon make this list The Top 11!
Happy reading!
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